T-One Models Landing Gear Controller with Gyro assist steering and ABS braking

Pacific RC Jets


T-One Models Electric Gear Controller/Sequencer. Gyro assist steering with ABS braking 

This gear door sequencer if fully programable and can be used for any electric gear, door and braking systems. The HD color screen makes it easy to see while navigating through the simple programing capabilities.

Some of the major features are:

  • L/G & Door Voltage/Amperage adjustable
  • Gyro assisted steering
  • Gyro assisted ABS braking
  • Fully programable gear door sequencing steps
  • Travel adjust
  • Endpoint adjust
  • Speed
  • Delay
  • Reversing

 XT60 plug,7.4v~ 8.4v input

T-One Gear Controller Manual

NOTE: for T-One models gear

  • T-1 Micro, Mini and Mini Hawk, use 0.8amp
  • T-1 use 1Amp
  • T-3 use 1.5Amp