Skymaster 1/5.25 Scale F-9F Panther ARF Plus Pro

Skymaster ARF Plus Pro


Skymaster 1/5.25 Scale F-9F Panther ARF Specs:

Length: 92.2" Wingspan: 88''

Power: 27-36Lbs thrust 

Radio: min. 9 Servos required

The Skymaster 1/5.25 scale Panther is one of the smoothest flying scale jets available. This makes it a great choice for that fist scale jet to add to your hangar as it has all the scale features desired. We recommend the KingTech 140-160 for power.   

NOTE: Special combo prices on L/G, Cockpits, Speed brakes and other accessories are for complete package at the time of purchase only  
 Kit Feature: Aluminum tube plug-in for wings spars 
Carbon fiber tubes for elevator 
Carbon fiber for vertical fins shaft
All live Hinging” with precision gap sealing
Accurate scale surface with details and full rivets 
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